Home » Heatly celebrates Black History Month with classroom projects and lessons

Heatly celebrates Black History Month with classroom projects and lessons

February is Black History Month and Green Island UFSD is celebrating with various classroom projects and lessons. 

In library class with Ms. Smi, fifth and sixth grade students are researching a famous Black American. Students were provided with a list of individuals and are currently working to create a brochure based on that person.

Ms. Smi also teaches a “Library Skills for Research” class where students are conducting an in-depth research project on a prominent Black American. With over 30 people to choose from, students are researching the influence that individual had on our society and will create a Google Slides presentation. In addition, students will design a graffiti poster, complete with quotes, facts and photos of the person they studied.

In Ms. Fowler’s health classes, students have been drawing cards from several decks of Black history flashcards that contain the names of people who’ve made significant contributions to the health industry. Students select a card, read about the person, and then share the information with the class including their name, contribution and which facet of health the individual influenced. As for Ms. Fowler’s P.E. classes, she’s using several “This or That” videos that highlight facts about famous Black athletes for class warm-ups. 

Eighth grade students in Mr. Morris’s social studies class are working on a project called “Life in the Great Depression.” They’ll be divided into groups that represent the various individuals that lived through the Great Depression, including bankers/brokers, women, farmers, factory workers, African Americans and the elderly. 

Sixth grade students in Ms. Mausteller’s class are currently researching three to five historical Black figures to make a book. She challenged her students to research people they know nothing about. “They have embraced the project and are doing a great job,” said Ms. Mausteller. 

In ninth grade English, Ms. Distasio’s students are reading “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry, who was an African American playwright. “A Raisin in the Sun” was the first play by an African American woman to be produced on Broadway. Before reading the play, Ms. Distasio’s students researched information about Hansberry to learn about her background and understand the impact her play had on our society. Students are exploring the idea of the American dream and discussing how the characters in the play encounter hostility for daring to reach for what the country defines as success.
